REPARATIONS – An urgent requirement for Humanity

10,00 18,00 

Auteur International Movement for Reparations
Collection Racines
Nbre de pages 284
ISBN ISBN digital version: 9782490931187
ISBN printed version : 9782490931194
Date de publication September 2020
UGS : ND Catégorie :




An urgent requirement for Humanity

The French version of this book  » RÉPARATIONS – Une exigence urgente pour l’Humanité  » is for sale on the site (To obtain this presentation in French or another language, click on the LANGUAGES button that appears on the page)


The need for reparation becomes urgent at a time when the issue has become a media issue and those who oppose it, having understood that such an issue can no longer be ignored, have decided to muddy the waters.

Many organizations have opened their own workcamps, but for them, reparation rhymes only with reconciliation, and excludes any financial compensation in line with the position of the French state, which only means a reparation of memory that it does not assume elsewhere. the question of the two crimes would therefore be a simple moral question. These negationists and ideologues in the service of the state will increasingly occupy the media field and the fight initiated by MIR and many others must now be raised, intensified and federated at the international level.

This is why, in partnership with DIASPORAS NOIRES EDITIONS, it seemed important to MIR to coordinate and produce this international collective work, reflecting as many voices as possible, exploring all the known paths on the theme of reparation, and above all a pedagogical work dealing with all the forms it takes: cultural, psychological, spiritual, economic, political reparation…

Work coordinated by MIR
(Mouvement International pour les Réparations/International Movement for Reparations)
Garcin Malsa & Mame Hulo


(classified by order of appearance of their written contributions) :

Garcin Malsa – Martinique

Chairman of MIR International

International Movement for Reparations

Claudette Duhamel – Martinique

Lawyer and Vice-President of MIR

Alain Manville – Martinique

Lawyer and member of MIR

Pr Coovi Rekhimre – Benin

Egyptologist, Philosopher and Historian.

Specialist of the European Negro Trafficking

Rodolphe Solbiac – Martinique

Lecturer, Habilitated to supervise research

English Caribbean Studies – University of the West Indies

Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe – Colombia

Colombian, Author of several books on the slave trade, slavery and colonial domination.

René Louis Parfait Etile – Martinique 

Egyptologist from Martinique

Louis Sala-Molins France

Professor of Political Philosophy, specialist in the practices of the Roman Inquisition and the codification of black slavery

Mame Hulo (Guillabert) – Senegal 

Writer, Director of Diasporas Noires Editions,

Member of the Pan-African Federalist Movement Ambassador for Africa of the MIR

Philippe Bessière – Reunion Island

For the Komité Rényoné Panafrikin & MIR Réunion

Nita Brochant, Jaklin Jacqueray, Luc Reinette – Guadeloupe

The Drafting Committee of the ICNP International Committee of Black People

Gladys Démocrite – Guadeloupe

Lawyer – Member of the ICNP International Committee of Black People

Her Majesty Queen Mother Dòwòti Désir Hounon Houna II Guely – Haiti/Benin

The Afro-Atlantic Theologies & Treaties Institute

Juliette Sméralda – Martinique

Sociologist, writer, researcher

Apa Mumia Makeba (Benoît Bechet) – French Guiana

Chairman of MIR French Guiana

Patricia Donatien – Martinique

University Professor

University of the West Indies

Joby Valente – France

President of the Movement for a New Humanity
Vice President of the Collectif des Filles et Fils d’Africains Déportés (Collective of Daughters and sons of African Deportees)

Translated from French by Joséphine Ndiaye

Informations complémentaires

Poids 300 g
Dimensions 15 × 21 cm
Nbre de page




Format du livre



International Movement for Reparations


ISBN digital version: 9782490931187
ISBN printed version : 9782490931194




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